September 25, 2017

Sitrep Demo Unit Instructions for use

Open the case.


Turn the Alarm switch to off


Plug the unit in. The unit is now on. The switch only generates an Alarm. It does not turn the unit on and off.


Note the serial number on a white label on the end of the red box


Go to


Fill out the demo registration page. For testing use your cell phone number


The Alarm switch in the demo box represents a controller.  When the switch is made(on) this is the same as a customer’s controller going into alarm. We will be doing training on this soon.


Wait a couple of minutes for the registration to be implemented. The handshake with the network can take 5 minutes. Once the connection is established messages will send in about a minute or less.


The phone number you used in the /demo page will now receive the “Normal” message you used in the /demo page.


Move the Alarm switch to on. The phone will now receive an Alarm message.


Move the switch to off. The phone will now receive the Normal message.

When you unplug the unit. The phone will now receive the power failure message.


When you have finished with your customer demonstration go back online to the / demo page and remove the cell phone number to stop it receiving texts.