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Simple & Fast Notification

The Simplified Building Management System monitors building equipment and sends texts to cell phones whenever there are status changes. The SBMS is extremely easy to use. No internet or land line is required. With custom messages, our SBMS alerts  chosen cell phones when an alarm or power outage occurs. Whenever there is a problem, you’ll know immediately; no waiting for temperature differentials. With simple texts,  there[…]

Simple & Fast Installation

Installation takes only minutes by connecting directly to the control circuit of the boiler, or any other piece of HVAC equipment. Configuration can be completed anytime afterward using  a simple online form.    

HVAC Contractor Benefits

HVAC is an essential service.  Repeat customers are the holy grail of your business. Contractors will benefit from early and direct notification of system alarms. Utilizing our system will: Help prevent your customer from contacting your competition Allow you to provide quicker response time to maintain customer satisfaction … often before they are even aware[…]

Return on Investment

The SITREP simplified building management system is inexpensive to install and has a quicker payback period than more complex systems maintaining most of the benefits, such as:   Less downtime for critical environmental systems, i.e. boiler, air conditioning system Avoiding Tenant complaints = Tenant retention Monitor vacant building environmental systems remotely. Decrease need for personnel[…]